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Institute of Computational Mathematics

Institute of Computational Mathematics is an academic unit of Lanzhou University belonging to the School of Mathematics and Statistics located in Qiyun Building on the main campus of Lanzhou University—a world-renowned university widely acknowledged to be among the best universities in China. Our institute holds, as its core, eighteen faculty members, and about fifty graduate students and one hundred undergraduate students. Most of the faculty members have the common experience of studying abroad. Some of them have been visiting scholars in western countries such as United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, France, Russia, Australia, Singapore or in Hong Kong. Some professors have been conducting active research programs covering most aspects of computational mathematics, which we believe contribute much to the development of local economics, industry, ecology and environment. They also play a leading role in participating or organizing local as well as international academic exchange activities.

Research is the life force of the Institute. Our faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and students live and breathe research, and their common passion for computational mathematics and scientific computing arouses creative results. Their fields include: (i) Numerical linear algebra; (ii) Iterative solution for systems of nonlinear equations; (iii) Numerical solution for ordinary/partial differential equations; (iv) Numerical computation for ill-posed problems in mathematical physics; (v) Numerical analysis and simulations of fractional differential equations, chaotic and network systems; (vi) Symbolic computation; (vii)Information science; (viii) Classic methods (finite difference, finite element, boundary element, spectral method); (ix)Applied software; and (x)Application and computation for local economy etc.

The institute aids the School to provide two undergraduate degree programs, namely, mathematics and applied mathematics, information and computing science. Besides, our institute also offers master and doctor degree programs in computational mathematics, and a postdoctoral program in mathematics. Due to teaching and research, the School equipped a couple of computing laboratories with a wide selection of machines in the institute. Especially, a cluster system from Dawning Company with 19 nodes aimed to parallel processing has been set up, which increases the computational capacity of our university.(By May,7,2012)

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