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Jiuzhang Forum: Lecture 448

Invited by Prof. Wantong Li of School of Mathematics and Statistics, Prof. Bingyi Jing from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology will give a lecture.

Title: Point of Interest Recommendation

Time: 14:30 p.m.,Sep. 25th, 2021

Location: Room 631, Polytechnic building

Abstract: With the rapid development of wireless communication technologies, location-based social networks, such as Foursquare and Gowalla, have become very popular. This makes it possible to mine user’s preference on locations and provided favourite recommendations. However, check-in data is sparse, long-tail, temporal and sociability. In this talk, we consider recommendation system using tensor method for handling such types of data with various techniques. Experiments on a real check-in database show that the proposed method can offer better location recommendation. The work is done jointly with Yiyuan LIU, and Ya WANG.

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