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Jiuzhang Forum: Lecture 313

Invited by Prof. Binguo Wang, Prof. Yongli Song from Hangzhou Normal University will give a lecture.

Title: Memory driven spatially inhomogeneous Hopf bifurcation and double Hopf bifurcation in the memory-based diffusion system

Time: 15:00 p.m.,Apr. 25th, 2021

Location: Room 631, Polytechnic building

Abstract: We first derive the algorithms for calculating the normal form of Hopf and double Hopf bifurcation for the memory-based diffusion system taking the memory delay as the perturbation parameter. Then, for the diffusive predator-prey system with memory-based diffusion and Holling type-II functional response, we employ this procedure to investigate the direction and stability of delay-induced mode-1 and mode-2 Hopf bifurcations and spatiotemporal dynamical classification near the double Hopf bifurcation.

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