Invited by Prof.Binguo Wang, Prof. Xiaoqiang Zhao from Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada will give a lecture online.
Title: Global Dynamics of a Nonlocal Periodic Reaction-Diffusion Model of Bluetongue Disease
Time: 19:30 p.m.,Apr.13th, 2021
Conference ID: 569 192 765( Tencent Conference)
In this talk, I will report our recent research on a nonlocal reaction-diffusion model of bluetongue disease with seasonality, spatial heterogeneous structure, and periodic extrinsic incubation period. We introduce the basic reproduction ratio R0 for this model and show that the disease-free periodic solution is globally attractive if R0 < 1, while the disease is uniformly persistent if R0 > 1. Further, we obtain the global attractivity of the positive steady state in the case where all the coefficients are constants. Numerically, we study the bluetongue transmission in Corsica Island, France, and investigate the impact of some model parameters on R0. We find that the disease risk may be underestimated if the spatial heterogeneity is ignored. This talk is based on a joint work with Dr. Fuxiang Li.