Invited by Dr. Xingxing Jia of the School of Mathematics and Statistics , Pro. Tian-Yin Wang from School of Mathematical Science, Luoyang Normal University will give a lecture online.
Title:Quantum Cryptography
Time:7:00 p.m.,Apr. 29, 2021
Conference ID:755 703 189( Tencent Conference)
Meeting link:
Curriculum Vitae
Dr.Tian-Yin Wang is currently a professor with the school of Mathematical Science, Luoyang Normal University. His research interests include cryptography and quantum information. He has hosted more than ten projects of the National Natural Science Foundation, and so on. He has published a series of papers in Nature, IEEE JSA , FSS, IEEE Trans. Comput., Quant. Inf. Process., JPB., PLA, Opt. Commun. etc.